Love on a Bike

Rima Malallah Est.

Love on a Bike is Rima Malallah's shop. Established in Amman, Jordan in 2006, it offers a wide selection of art & handmade products- paintings, pottery, woodwork, glass, custom-made furniture in addition to mural work. Items available for purchase online and at the brick-and-mortar shop in Amman.

Amman, 2008; painted over by the Greater Amman Municipality & Landmark Hotel in 2014.

The folks at Taghmees created a video which resulted in GAM having to answer for what they did. The municipality claimed hotel management requested the paint job. Hotel management denied this, but when Ro'ya news covered this, they refused to give a statement. So we can only speculate as to what happened, but maybe the details aren't that important considering they had to work together to make this happen, and now neither wants to own up to it. It was disheartening, sure, but it was also amazing to see that I wasn't the only one upset by the overnight disappearance of the first mural I ever painted.

Thank you to Taghmees, Beamman, & Ro'ya tv for their attempts to give this some coverage and for demanding answers. If you're interested in watching the video made by Taghmees and the Ro'ya report, scroll to the bottom of the page.

And last but not least, thank you to Raja Otaqui for taking these amazing photos before the mural was destroyed.

في آذار ٢٠١٤ تم مسح جدارية فنية من شوارع عمان... جدارية جاءت بالسعادة والألوان لأهالي المدينة وكانت ترحب بجميع المارة على مدى حوالي ٦ سنوات. جدارية أصبحت إحدى معالم المدينة والمنطقة بالتحديد، وتعطي أملا بالحياة والخيال... أحببنا جميعا النجوم والطيور والغيوم والبيوت وأحببنا مدينتا بالألوان وذهبنا إلى هناك لتذوق الفن.
تابعت رؤيا قضية طمس امانة عمان لجدارية "هيا نحلق معاً لنصنع نهاية سعيدة " للفنانة ريما مال الله والتي رسمت على الجدار المحيط بفندق لاند مارك في عمان عام 2008 قناة رؤيا الفضائية تجدونها على التردد 12398 عمودي Nilesat frequency 12398 vertical

love on a bike all rights reserved 2006-2022